Carer Governors

I have extensive experience as a parent carer of a daughter with multiple and complex needs. I also work in local authority children’s services, collecting and analysing data. I'm on the steering group of the disabled workers and carer’s network, raising awareness of invisible disabilities and the importance of reasonable adjustments, kindness and understanding in Brighton and Hove Council.

I'm a member of the Brighton and Hove Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Partnership Board, and carry out extensive analysis and reporting on special needs data on children and young people.

I was on the Sussex Partnership Lived Experience Advisory Panel for the measurement of quality of life in family carers of people with dementia, and was a consultant on the Time for Autism project. I was chair of Governors at Saltdean Primary school for seven years and prior to that I was on the Board of the Women’s Refuge Project (now RISE).

My commitment as a Carer Governor, is to hold leaders to account in improving services, systems, use of data and really understand the needs of the people we are here to support. This is especially important for those who are neurodiverse or have learning needs. I also share lived experience of what it is like to have a child 'in the system' and the transition to adult services. The system is currently not working for people who have medical, neurodiverse and mental health needs. Ultimately, we need to save lives and improve the quality of life for those living with mental health challenges.

Thank you for supporting me as your Carer Governor for East. Sussex. I have certainly felt the past three years has gone by very quickly and I am delighted to have been elected for another three year term.(2023-2026). During my time with SPFT I have worked tirelessly to voice the concerns at Board and Council meetings of the plight of Carers who are supporting loved ones afflicted with mental health. I understand the needs of Carers who face challenges each day, as I am supporting my own adult daughter who has schizophrenia, Autism and other complex needs.

I have developed my role outside the organization by training as an Authorised Representative in Healthwatch to better understand the needs of health services in East Sussex. I trained as an Expert by Experience (EBE) so that I could use my carer experience to ensure the needs of those with autism are being appropriately supported coming into mental health services. My EBE role has also led me to become involved in the development of a psychosis support group for families in East Sussex.

The next three years I intend to prioritise the following :

  • Impact of CAMHS wait time on families
  • Promoting safety of clinical areas for those with Autism and Learning Disability
  • Highlighting the amazing role of Carers and ensuring they are supported and included.

I am very happy that I have been appointed to the Council of Governors. I will do my best, as an elected governor. I look forward to meeting new people.

I have been a carer for some 20+ years. I still feel young at heart and love walking and seeking new places.

We currently have one vacant carer governor position.