Please note that we have recently updated our website and old links to individual policies may no longer work. If you have arrived at this page after clicking on a link to view a policy, please enter the title into the search tool below.
Our policies inform the way we work at Sussex Partnership. To find a policy, please use the search tool or select from the list of policy categories below.
If you can't find what you're looking for or have any questions about our policies, please email policies
Special Leave Policy
Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust recognises that staff face challenges in balancing their working lives with commitments outside of work. This document aims to assist staff to better manage that balance by explaining how staff are able to request leave to enable them to take time off work in certain circumstances. This policy aims to help staff take time to care for a dependant, deal with an emergency situation or take a career break without suffering any disadvantage.
Policy types
- Workforce