Please note that we have recently updated our website and old links to individual policies may no longer work. If you have arrived at this page after clicking on a link to view a policy, please enter the title into the search tool below.
Our policies inform the way we work at Sussex Partnership. To find a policy, please use the search tool or select from the list of policy categories below.
If you can't find what you're looking for or have any questions about our policies, please email spft.
Mixed Sex Accommodation - Maximising Individual Dignity Policy
This policy sets out for all Trust staff, our roles and responsibilities in relation to mixed sex accommodation in order to maintain the safety, privacy and dignity of our patients and carers.
Protecting the safety, privacy and dignity of our patients is paramount. Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (the Trust) has a duty to deliver services in an environment, which promotes the safety, privacy and dignity of service users. All staff are expected to treat patients, service users, relatives, carers and visitors with respect and dignity and ensure the safety and privacy of patients and service users is maintained at all times.
Policy types
- Clinical