Developing our organisational strategy for 2025-2030
We are pleased to share that during 2024 we will be working in partnership with people who use our services, our staff and our partner organisations to develop our new organisational strategy.
This is an opportunity to bring together people's experience, expertise and ideas to help shape our future plans.
Our new strategy will describe our vision and ambition and define how we will deliver high quality, specialist NHS mental health, learning disability and neurodiversity services for patients, families and carers.
The new strategy will replace our current strategy that runs until April 2025.
Changing needs for our services
So many things have changed since we developed our current organisational strategy in 2019. People are living longer, more people are living with long-term health conditions, the cost of medicines is rising and the Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact.
There is greater need in Sussex for some of our services when compared to other parts of the country. For instance, the number of people with depression, dementia and learning disabilities is above the national average.
We need to respond to these changes and to the needs of our local communities and this involves changing how we work and transforming how we provide our services.
Opportunities to improve
We welcome the opportunity to improve our services.
Our service users have told us we need to do more to improve people's experience of our community services and to enable people to get help in a crisis.
We also know that people are waiting longer for inpatient treatment compared to last year. In order for someone to get the help they need, we need to do more to help people leave hospital when they are ready for discharge.
The cost to run our services in the way we do now is expected to be higher than our income. In order to live within our means and deliver value, we need to redesign our services, make them more efficient and reduce our use of expensive agency staff.
Future change
The new strategy will be clear about how we make the best use of our specialist expertise, what we prioritise and where we need to make improvements.
It will describe how we will develop new ways of working to make sure people who use our services, and their families and carers, have the best experience.
It will outline why Sussex Partnership is a good place to work; where staff can have a fulfilling career, be innovative and make a difference to people's lives.
Working in partnership with other organisations, we are looking forward to meeting the future and changing needs of our local communities.
Next steps
Throughout May and June we spoke to hundreds of people who use and work in our services through webinars, in-person events, a roadshow and a public survey.
All of the ideas, feedback, and themes identified have brought together in an engagement report which can be downloaded using the button below.
We've defined our key objectives and measures to go alongside our agreed vision. We'd like to invite you to join us at our final organisational strategy events where you will have the opportunity to:
• Share your feedback and help shape the final strategy
• Deepen your understanding of the journey and how we arrived at these objectives
• Collaborate with others and influence the future direction of the Trust.
Sign up to our organisational strategy webinars using the links below: