Sussex Experience Form

Survey progress:
  • Which team?
  • About you
  • Your experience
  • Your views (Optional)
  • Your care and treatment (Optional)
  • Out of office hours contact (Optional)
  • What can we do better? (Optional)
  • Ethnic, diversity and inclusion (Optional)


(Step 1 of 10)

This survey is about your most recent experience with Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, how do you think it went?

About you

(Step 2 of 10)

This survey is about your recent appointment with Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. (Please tick your choice)

Are you a service user, carer, or both?
(* Required)

Tell us about your experience

(Step 3 of 10)

Question 1

This survey is about your recent appointment with Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, how do you think it went? (Please tick your choice)
(* Required)

Your views

(Step 4 of 10)

Question 2

Were your views listened to and acted upon?

Care Plan

(Step 5 of 10 - Optional)

Question 3

Do you have a Care Plan?

Care Review

(Step 6 of 10 - Optional)

Question 4

In the last 12 months, have you had a care review meeting with your NHS mental health team to discuss how your care is working?

Your care and treatment

(Step 7 of 10 - Optional)

Question 5

Do you know what will happen next with your care and treatment?

Out of office hours contact

(Step 8 of 10)

Question 6

Would you know who to contact out of office hours within the NHS if you had a crisis?

What can we do better?

(Step 9 of 10)

Question 7

Ethnic, Diversity and Inclusion questions

(Step 10 of 10 - Optional)

One last thing - we will now ask about your background. It is up to you if you want to answer all, some, or none of the questions.

We ask so we can compare what people from different groups say about their care. This is so we can find out about inequalities and can take actions to help. We won't share your individual answers anywhere.

The categories come from the NHS and the Office for National Statistics. These words might not fit with the words that you and your communities use every day. We use them so we can compare to local and national data.

What category best describes your sexual orientation?
What sex was registered at your birth?
What is your gender identity?
Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth?
What is your legal marital or registered civil partnership status
Are you pregnant or have you given birth in the last 26 weeks?
Are you involved with the Armed Forces (including Merchant Navy)?
What is your ethnic group?
Do you have any physical or mental health conditions or illnesses lasting or expected to last 12 months or more?
What is your religion/belief?
What is your age?