Patient & Public Involvement (PPI) in Research

Our brief at the Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) team is that there should be no research 'about' us 'without' us! Involvement of people with lived experience, shaping and guiding research, makes our research more relevant, participants have a better research experience, and research is more likely to be translated into effective practice. 

One of the ways we can involve people with lived experience is by joining our research theme groups and lived experience advisory panels or our PPI cafes. See more information about how to get involved below.

We have PPI Café meetings during the year to keep people updated on or work and the chance to meet researchers and discuss research generally. These are unpaid.

At Sussex Partnership, we also have Youth PPI Cafés, which provide opportunities for young people living in Sussex to get involved in research. Our Youth PPI Café for 16 to 24-year-olds is well-established and we are in the process of developing a café for 11 to 15-year-olds. The Youth PPI Cafés aim to engage children and young people in research that impacts them. They are entirely youth-led and give young people the opportunity to share what they feel is important to them, using their unique experience to guide clinicians and researchers to take research and service development projects forward. The young people involved come from Children and Young Person Services (ChYPs) & Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHs), local schools, colleges and charities working with young people.

Lead for Service User and Carer Involvement in Research
Dr Sam Robertson

Lead Co-ordinator for Service User and Carer Involvement in Research
Julia Fountain

Co-ordinator for Service User and Carer Involvement in Research
Lucy Walsh

Co-ordinator for Service User and Carer Involvement in Research
Chloe Elsby-Pearson

Co-ordinator for Service User and Carer Involvement in Research
Juila Hickson 

If you would like to learn more about how you can get involved and help shape research, get in touch:


Telephone: 0300 304 0088 (please leave a message for the PPI Team)

Sign up to help shape our research