Developing our strategy for 2023-2026


business-idea-3683781_1280.jpgWe have been working with system wide providers and partners to develop our strategic plan for 2023-2026. 

The strategy builds on the Provider Collaborative's clinical strategy which was developed in May 2021 and supports our mission to 'provide safe, high-quality, inpatient and alternatives to inpatient services for children and young people with complex mental health, learning disabilities and / or autism, while operating within a defined budget for the counties of Hampshire and Dorset.'

Roadmap for change

The new strategy for 2023 to 2026 was informed by a series of engagement meetings and workshops with partners and peer support specialists, which took place over the last nine months.

The strategy sets out a roadmap for delivering the Provider Collaborative's vision to transition from an inpatient only model to a blended mix of tier 4 inpatient and community-based alternatives to admission. View the roadmap

Service development

Having launched the Closer2Home intensive home treatment service in February 2022, the focus now is on working with our provider partners to develop a range of new inpatient and day hospital services.

For young people who require acute mental health support and care, this wider range of services will provide a better experience and prevent admission unless it is really necessary. It will also offer more capacity within our local footprint, at a time where we are seeing a number of in-patient providers closing services and reduced bed stock.

System challenges

Over the next year, the Provider Collaborative will also be managing a range of strategic issues, including system-wide workforce challenges, the reconfiguration of NHS trusts which will include a new provider for Hampshire CAMHS and the re-negotiation of the Provider Collaborative's contract with NHS England from April 2024. 

We will use these developments as opportunities to renegotiate costs and develop innovative staffing models, such as working across providers and departments, developing a strong staff skill mix and allowing opportunities for training and career progression for our employees.


Our commitment to putting young people, their families and carers of the centre of what we do remains paramount to the development of our strategy. Working in partnership with Dorset Mental Health Forum, we are developing a co-production strategy that will embed the voice of service users in our plans.