Meet the team: Vicki Barrett

First uVicki Barrett_2_small.jpgp for in our new 'Meet the Team' series is Case Manager, Vicki Barrett.  Vicki is one of a team of four case managers who support young people who have been admitted to tier 4 CAMHS services from Hampshire, Dorset and the Isle of Wight. 

Read on to learn about her role, what she enjoys most about it and find out about how she almost made it on to a national TV programme.

Tell us about your role

As case managers, we work alongside our inpatient and community colleagues to support young people who require a tier 4 admission.  As well as this, we have quality oversight of hospitals within Hampshire and Dorset, and work closely with inpatient units to provide the best care for young people from Dorset, Hampshire and Isle of Wight. 

We oversee the care pathway of our young people to ensure that they do not have a lengthy admission, and will often work to connect systems to ensure the right support is in place upon discharge for our young people and their families. 

We also try and think creatively with our partners in health and social care to try and support young people and prevent them from entering a tier 4 setting so they can remain at home with their families and friends and receive treatment out of hospital.

How long have you been in your role?

I have been a case manager since September 2020. Prior to that, I worked in inpatient CAMHS for some years.

I knew colleagues who were working as case managers and enquired about their role and when a position became available I applied and was successful.

What's your favourite thing about your job?

The thing I enjoy most about my role is helping young people to be discharged from hospital as soon as possible by making sure that things are put in place to support them in the community. This is at the heart of everything I do.

What do you like to do outside of work?

Outside of work I like to spend time with my family, taking advantage of my National Trust card and enjoying our beautiful county with my dog Jessie.

Is there anything people would be surprised to learn about you?

My sister and I applied to take part in the second series of Race Across the World, and made it to the second round of the application process where we had to do a screen test. Sadly, we weren't chosen to take part!