Resources and information
On this page you can find the Sussex Gender Service patient information leaflets and some helpful resources.
Care navigators are trans, non-binary or intersex (TNBI) community members who work alongside the Sussex Gender Service to offer you help and advice.
Feminising hormone information
Masculinising hormone information
Contraception/menstrual (period) suppression
- Gender affirming care, fertility and infertility
- Information for trans and non-binary people seeking fertility treatment - Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA)
We are currently developing resources in consultation with the TNBI community. For now, please see Indigo’s resources:
What to expect at your appointment
Surgeon list
Gender Dysphoria National Referral Support Service
- NHS Gender Dysphoria nurse-led support and information service
- NHS Gender Dysphoria National Referral Support Service- about us booklet
Chest surgery
- Chest wall surgery for gender dysphoria | Nuffield
- Chest surgery - Gender Dysphoria National Referral Support Service
Feminising genital reconstruction surgery (GRS)
- Vaginoplasty - Nuffield Health
- Vaginoplasty - Gender Dysphoria National Referral Support Service
- Vulvoplasty - Nuffield Health
- Vulvoplasty - Gender Dysphoria National Referral Support Service
Masculinising Genital Reconstruction Surgery (GRS)
- Metoidioplasty - Gender Dysphoria National Referral Support Service
- Phalloplasty - Gender Dysphoria National Referral Support Service
Hysterectomy (removal of womb/uterus)
Unscheduled aftercare
Gender-affirming care booklets
- Sexual health for trans and non-binary people
- Trans and non-binary friendly sexual health and contraceptive service - Clinic T
Information on Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
Video on cervical screening
HPV self-testing for the transgender community

General TNBI administration advice
Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC)
- Obtaining a GRC - Gender Construction Kit
- Apply for a GRC - GOV.UK
- How to get a GRC - The Clare Project
Deed poll
- Name change by deed poll - Gender Construction Kit
- Change your name by deed poll - GOV.UK
- How to change your name - The Clare Project
Drivers licence name/gender change
- Getting a new driving licence - Gender Construction Kit
- Change the name or gender on your driving licence - GOV.UK
Name change by statutory declaration
Usually witnessed by solicitor.
- Name change by statutory declaration - Gender Construction Kit
- Names: evidence to change a name - GOV.UK
- Getting a new passport - Gender Construction Kit
- Applying for a passport additional information
- Change your name or personal details on your passport: gender change - GOV.UK
Change name/gender marker on NHS health records
The Clare Project
Run by and for trans, non-binary, gender-variant and gender-questioning people across Brighton, Hove, East Sussex and West Sussex. Psychosocial support groups, information sessions, workshops and excursions. See The Claire Project resources page.
- Call/text: 07464 229395
- Email: info - Web:
Brighton & Hove LGBT Switchboard
Listening, advice and support for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer community.
- Call: 01273 204050
- Email: info - Web:
- Social prescribing for trans, non-binary, intersex and gender-questioning people
Gendered Intelligence
A support line for trans people who are waiting for gender affirming healthcare and those around them. All contact handlers are trans and/or non-binary and are trained to help with:
- Finding social groups in your area
- Listening to how you are doing and feeling
- Support strategies as you wait to be seen by your gender identity clinic
- Therapy options near you
- Any questions you might have.
The support line is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 2pm-7pm and Wednesday and Friday 10am-3pm.
- Call: 0330 355 9678
- WhatsApp: 07592 650 496
- Email: supportline - Web:
National charity for LGBTQIA+ victims of domestic abuse, hate crime or violence.
- Call: 0800 999 5428
- Email: help - Web:
Gender Construction Kit
This is a comprehensive guide "made for UK queers by UK queers". Designed to guide you through all aspects of updating and exploring your gender, including changing details on ID, updating NHS records, and finding your style.
- Web:
A community interest company, which aims to empower trans and non-binary people as well as inform and educate others about the issues which trans and non-binary people face.
A peer support group for anyone who identifies as transmasculine, non-binary, intersex and gender-diverse assigned female at birth (AFAB) people. Regular meetings are held on the second Friday of every month. The meetings are a hybrid of in person in Brighton, with an online link also.
- Email: navigatebrighton - Web:
Spectra offers social groups, 121 support, counselling and workshops. Spectra’s services are delivered by people of trans experience themselves in a friendly, safe, confidential, non-judgemental and accessible space. They are a London based service, but offer many services online or via telephone.
- Call: 0800 587 8302 / 020 3322 6920
- Email: info - Web:
Trans Can Sport
A not-for-profit, community interest company based in Brighton and Hove, created to support trans people to get into exercise and healthy living.
- Email: transcansport - Web:
The Trans Health Hub from WellBN
A pilot working in partnership with The Clare Project to improve access to healthcare and support for trans, non-binary, intersex and gender variant people aged 16+.
Allsorts Youth Project
Allsorts Youth Project listens to, connects and supports children and young people under 26 who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or exploring their sexual orientation and/or gender identity (LGBT+) and their families.
- Email:
- Web:
Clinic T
Clinic T is a trans and non-binary friendly sexual health and contraception service. We offer testing and treatment for STIs, help with bleeding control and contraception, cervical cytology, vaccination, social support and signposting to local partner support organisations.
- Call: 01273 523388
- Web:
Hastings and Rother Rainbow Alliance Trans Group
A peer social support group for those questioning their gender or at any stage of transitioning.
- Email: hrrat - Web:
Bourne Out LGBTQ+ Café
An inclusive café and social space for the LGBTQ+ community in Eastbourne.
- Email: info - Web:
Trans Sober
Support with drug and alcohol use for the trans and non-binary community.
- Call: 07341 395239
- Email: info - Web:
TReNBI FC is a mixed-level football space for trans, non-binary, intersex and gender exploring adults (TNBI+). They offer free football every Saturday morning in Brighton.
- Email: trenbifc - Web:
Citizen’s Advice
National charity for workers and consumer rights.
- Call: 0800 144 8848
- Web: