Invitation to join a virtual website development workshop
As part of the planning process we are holding a series of virtual workshops so that everyone who is interested can get involved, to share thoughts and ideas of how we can make the website the best it can be, such as what information it should include, what it should look like and how it should be structured.
Please choose the session which feels best suited to you:
- Experts by Experience (EBEs) and Service Users - Thursday 17 February 2022, 10am-12pm - www. e/ sussex-partnership-public-website-workshop-ebes-service-users-tickets-260149573377 - Family and Friend Carers - Tuesday 22 February 2022, 10.15am-12.15pm - www. e/ sussex-partnership-public-website-workshop-carers-tickets-260150897337 - Public and partner organisations - Thursday 24 February 2022, 11am-1pm - www. e/ sussex-partnership-public-website-workshop-public-partner-organisations-tickets-260151910367
After signing up on Eventbrite you will be sent a Zoom link to join the workshop on the day.
We want the website to be the best it can be, user friendly, informative and helpful, so please do come along and help us - your expertise and ideas will be really helpful.
If you aren't able to make it to the workshop, but want to get involved, please contact communications